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PSE / All Educational Toys / Honeybee House, Bees and Fairy
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Honeycomb Display Shelf
Honeycomb Display Shelf

Honeybee House, Bees and Fairy


SKU: H235D61

Bees: 30cm x 30cm
Honeybee Fairy: 11CM

Welcome to the enchanting world of Honeybee House, Bees and Fairy! This magical fairy home is nestled in the sunflower meadows and is home to a wonderful family of bees that create a special honey infused with moonbeams for the faeries to use in their healing practices. The Honeybee House is handcrafted using 100% natural wool, and features an intricately designed door and windows for the bees to fly in and out of. It comes with its own felt mat, and Fairy, and is the perfect addition to your child’s imaginative play.

Ages: 2+ years.